Kane County Division of Transportation Qualifications Based Selection

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Do I need to have a completed Prequalification Document when I register?

A: Yes. See Qualifications Based Selection (QBS) Process Document for instructions.

Q: Do we need to update the existing Prequalification Documents?

A: Not necessarily, unless you want to make Kane County aware of any significant staff changes or firm experience. Approximately every 3 years, KDOT goes through the process of asking all existing prequalified firms to update their prequalification document and to verify their log in information within the KDOTQBS database. Outside of this event, any existing prequalified firm may update their prequalification document by emailing the revised Prequalification Document as a pdf to Steve Coffinbargar at coffinbargarsteve@co.kane.il.us.

Q: How do I reset my password?

A: Access the web site and Click the text, "Forgot your Password".

Q: How do I reset or change my email address?

A: Log into KDOT QBS, click "Modify Profile" then click "Change Email" and follow the prompts.

Q: Which internet Browsers are supported?

A: Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer 8.x or higher are supported.

Q: What is the maximum file size I can upload?

A: 200 MB, but please keep the files as small as possible without compromising quality.

Q: What file types can I upload?

A: Only PDF files can be uploaded.

Q: Who do I contact for website issues?

A: Steve Coffinbargar - 630.406.7170

Q: Who do I contact for questions regarding the Qualification based Process?

A: Steve Coffinbargar - 630.406.7170

Q: I am not receiving email notifications from the system. What is wrong?

A: The emails could be going to your spam email. Adjust your email settings.

Q: Where can I find details regarding the Qualifications Based Selection Process?

A: See the document: Qualifications Based Selection (QBS) Process Document.

Q: How do I update my statement of Qualifications?

A: Approximately every 3 years, KDOT goes through the process of asking all existing prequalified firms to update their prequalification document and to verify their log in information within the KDOTQBS database. Outside of this event, any existing prequalified firm may update their prequalification document by emailing the revised Prequalification Document as a pdf to Steve Coffinbargar at coffinbargarsteve@co.kane.il.us.

Q: Can our firm have multiple email addresses registered?

A: No. Each firm login can only have ONE email address associated with it.